Can Reference Checks Use Auto Reminders?


RefLynk has made reference checking easier and more practical than ever before.  This means no more constant phone tag while trying to reach different references because RefLynk is a fully automated system.

Texts and emails are sent to references without the user having to do them one by one.  This eliminates a lot of wasted time. Arguably, the best feature that RefLynk offers is the ability to automatically send reminders to references. 

Since the system automatically sends the reminders, it requires no additional work on the user’s part, and it ensures that reminders are sent until a response is made. This guarantees no reference is overlooked because of a lack of contact or response, and since they’re receiving regular reminders, the reference form will hopefully be completed and returned in a quicker time frame.

The fact that RefLynk checks references using texts and emails makes this even better.  Today’s technology dependence dictates that people are likely to check their email and texts multiple times a day, increasing the likelihood of timely responses. 

Phone calls, on the other hand, can easily go unanswered or unreturned. Each reminder is automatically sent out to the references every 24 hours until responses are received.

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